Discover 0 Surf Shops near Hossegor, France
Everything you need to know about surfing at Hossegor, France
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Hossegor is a world-renowned surfing destination located in South West France. The beach spans three kilometers with four unique surf spots: Les Culs Nus, La Nord, La Sud, and La Gravière. La Gravière is known for its heavy barrels and attracts expert surfers and hosts international competitions. Hossegor is a consistent surf spot, but the best time to visit is from September to October when the water is warm, the waves are picking up in size, and the tourists have gone home. In contrast, the winter months offer big heavy barrels and ideal conditions for big wave surfing. Hossegor is an idyllic surfing destination that offers a mix of beautiful beaches, warm water, consistent swell, and a taste of French culture with coffee and croissants, two hour lunches, and après-surf.
Best time of the year:
October to February
Surf level required:
Best tide:
All tides
Wave height:
Best swell direction: