Discover 0 Surf Shops near Manu Bay, Raglan
Everything you need to know about surfing at Manu Bay, Raglan
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Manu Bay is the first and most popular of the well-known Raglan point breaks. The wave reels across the entire bay, past the boat ramp. The wave starts with a hollow drop-in, into a barrel section, and then works into a long wally section. It's hollower and faster on the lower tide. Jumping off the rocks at the western end of the bay is the best way to join the line-up, but you need to be careful on the rocks.
This rocky point break is consistently fed by southwesterly ground swells throughout the year. The optimal swell direction for surfing at Manu Bay is from the SW, while the optimal wind direction is from the SE. The best tide is all, making it a great spot to surf at any time of the day.
It's important to note that there are potential dangers when surfing at Manu Bay. The beach is rocky, and hitting rocks when getting in and out of the water can be a risk. The winds are pretty strong from April to November, making it important to check the weather conditions before heading out. It's crucial to respect the locals and know the rules of surfing in Raglan.
Best time of the year:
March to June
Surf level required:
Intermediate to advanced
Best tide:
All tides
Best swell direction: